Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 287.

I have this idea, a drawing of my head with cell phones consuming every part of my sense organs. 

For the last few days, I have lived and breathed cell phones. It was nearly four days ago when the top of my flip phone dislodged itself from the lower half.  I asked for a quote for how much it would cost to fix, $95 not including labor and I quickly deduced that it would be a lot more awesome to spend that money buying a new and better, a real latest fashion phone.  I thought, it would be the new iPhone 4. yeah, it wouldn't cost much more than that...Ha! Boy was I totally out of it. Try more like $450-700 (on Ebay).  So I immediately came around to the fact that I was going to need to really shop for this new phone.  And shop I did. And then I shopped some more.  I shopped while I was supposed to be drafting animations and I shopped while I was supposed to be studying and making artwork.  I was utterly consumed by this process of trying to find the right phone.  Oh my golly miss molly, Do you KNOW how many phones are out there and do you know all the stupid bells and whistles they all have?  Where have I been? I think, hanging out with Gilligan on the island with my coconut phone.  So these are the highlights of my search.

1) I actually and thoughtfully consider buying the large button 911 phone. Granny's stay back, I'll out bid you on ebay for one of these bad boys.  If you want simplicity, the Granny phones the way to go. 

2) I stepped back into the time machine, turned the dial to 1984 and fondly remembered my neighbor's split pea colored rotary phone hanging in his kitchen.  And yes, it's true, I actually wished and even more embarassingly considered, getting a landline installed and finding a rotary phone.

3) I opened, read, studied, and compared ratings in the January 2011 Consumer Reports edition on BEST NEW CELL PHONES & PLANS, for 3's pathetic really.

4) I went to my cool, hip, younger friend and grilled her about what it means to Unlock a phone, how to trust buying from Craigslist and other assundry websites.

And after all of that, I finally find a phone I like.  It is more like a camera that happens to also be a phone, duh! of course. 

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